Saturday, July 4, 2009

Rihanna Tattooed Without a License


"Only licensed tattoo artists can administer tattoos in the city according to the City's Health Code. We are sending someone down to follow up on this," an official of the New York City Health Department said.

Rihanna was reportedly in a New York tattoo shop and apparently tattooed 3 people without a license. BangBang, yes yes, the famous tattoo artist responsible for Rihanna's gun tattoo, and 2 tattooists, seemingly requested for a tattoo from Rihanna, with "umbrella designs and the letter R".

The 'Umbrella' singer can be fined from $300 to $2,000. No biggie really. But a whole investigation CAN now been opened against the tattoo parlor.

Yikes! i wouldnt want a tattoo from someone with no experience, no matter how famous he/she may be. I dont care if your David Beckham or my cute sweet Shia Labeouf. A tattoo is permanent unlike some of the celebrities' careers.


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